GSCO Hunter & Outfitter Convention January 28-30, 2021

Auction Details

Grand Slam Club/Ovis is a 501(C)(3) organization of hunter/conservationists dedicated to improving and perpetuating wild sheep and goat populations worldwide, as well as North American big game.
In March 2001, the Grand Slam Club and Ovis, Inc. merged into one organization and are now known as Grand Slam Club/Ovis. This organization is classified by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) organization.

The purposes and objectives of Grand Slam Club/Ovis are to:

Continue to be the established documentation and records-keeping organization for legally-taken Grand Slams of North American Wild Sheep®, Ovis World Slams® of wild sheep of the world, Capra World Slams® of wild goats of the world and the Super Ten®, Super 25™ and Super Slam of North American Big Game®.
Encourage the use of legally issued permits, tags, and/or licenses for the hunting of wild mountain sheep, goats and other North American species.
Inform and educate people of the world about wild mountain sheep and goats and other North American big game.
Use financial resources to benefit, directly or indirectly, wild mountain sheep and goats and other North American big game.
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TH-20 Life-Size Sheep Mount220 - TH-20 Life-Size Sheep Mount
Grand Slam Club/Ovis
•This fully donated item is for a life-size sheep mount. •You can apply the value of this item toward a different mount of equal va
Bidding Has Concluded
TH-21 Archery Antelope Hunt, Wyoming221 - TH-21 Archery Antelope Hunt, Wyoming
Grand Slam Club/Ovis
•This is a fully donated three-day hunt. •The hunt is scheduled for August 15 – September 30, 2021 and may be postponed t
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TH-21B Custom-Made Quigley Ford Long Range Hunting Scope Model Q 416221B - TH-21B Custom-Made Quigley Ford Long Range Hunting Scope Model Q 416
Grand Slam Club/Ovis
•This Quigley Ford model Q 416 - 4 x 16 x 50 rifle scope is custom-made to YOUR specifications. •You provide your caliber, ballisti
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TH-22 Pyrenean Chamois Hunt, Spain222 - TH-22 Pyrenean Chamois Hunt, Spain
Grand Slam Club/Ovis
•This is a fully donated three-day 1 x 1 hunt for October 2021 to May 2022 or 2022-23. Extra days may be added for $500 per day. •
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TH-23 Dove Hunt, Argentina223 - TH-23 Dove Hunt, Argentina
Grand Slam Club/Ovis
•This is a fully donated trip for FOUR hunters for three hunting days/three nights accommodations in Cordoba. •Accommodations are
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TH-24 “Safari En China”224 - TH-24 “Safari En China”
Grand Slam Club/Ovis
• Pepe Medrazo reports on his expedition to collect the most difficult mountain trophies: golden takin, Sichuan takin, goral and serow. Join
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TH-25 “Sunny Disposition” Original Oil Painting by Dallen Lambson225 - TH-25 “Sunny Disposition” Original Oil Painting by Dallen Lambson
Grand Slam Club/Ovis
•Dallen Lambson has again created an oil painting of one of his favorite subjects, the American mountain goat. •The framed piece mea
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TH-26 Hunting Safari Package, Limpopo226 - TH-26 Hunting Safari Package, Limpopo
Grand Slam Club/Ovis
•This is a seven-day, five-trophy hunt for one hunter and one observer in South Africa’s Limpopo Province. •Game included
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TH-27 Iberian Mouflon Hunt for Two Hunters, Spain227 - TH-27 Iberian Mouflon Hunt for Two Hunters, Spain
Grand Slam Club/Ovis
•This is a fully donated four-day 2 x 1 hunt for TWO hunters. •The hunt can be scheduled from September 2021 through May 2022 or p
Bidding Has Concluded
TH-28 Arctic Grayling Fishing Trip for Four, Alaska228 - TH-28 Arctic Grayling Fishing Trip for Four, Alaska
Grand Slam Club/Ovis
•This is a fully donated one-day fishing trip for FOUR people on Alaska’s Chena River. •The trip is scheduled for July 2021
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TH-29 The Pearls of Ohrid229 - TH-29 The Pearls of Ohrid
Grand Slam Club/Ovis
•Lake Ohrid straddles the mountainous border of Macedonia. It is one of Europe’s deepest and oldest lakes, and was declared a World
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TH-30 Four Our Heritage Art Canvas Originals230 - TH-30 Four Our Heritage Art Canvas Originals
Grand Slam Club/Ovis
•This fully donated item will be for FOUR different 20” x 24” brush stroke canvas originals created from four different ima
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TH-31 Kenetrek Corrie 3.2 Hiker Boots231 - TH-31 Kenetrek Corrie 3.2 Hiker Boots
Grand Slam Club/Ovis
•These fully donated boots are a new model from Kenetrek. •This is a serious light hiker built for rugged terrain, and featuring li
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TH-32 Iberian Mouflon Sheep Hunt, Spain232 - TH-32 Iberian Mouflon Sheep Hunt, Spain
Grand Slam Club/Ovis
•This is a fully donated three-day 1 x 1 hunt for Iberian mouflon with no size limit. •It may be taken in the spring or fall of 2022
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TH-33 Shipping Credit Toward Clearance and Delivery233 - TH-33 Shipping Credit Toward Clearance and Delivery
Grand Slam Club/Ovis
•This fully donated item will be a full $500 credit toward any of Fauna & Flora’s international clearance and delivery services into
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TH-34 Balkan Chamois and Mouflon Sheep Hunt, Croatia234 - TH-34 Balkan Chamois and Mouflon Sheep Hunt, Croatia
Grand Slam Club/Ovis
•This is a six-day hunt for one hunter and one observer. •The hunt may be taken between October 2021 and January 2022 and may not be
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TH-35 Fishing Trip for TWO, Uruguay235 - TH-35 Fishing Trip for TWO, Uruguay
Grand Slam Club/Ovis
•This is a three-day, three-night fishing trip for TWO anglers in Paysandú, Uruguay. •You will find the best dorado fishing
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TH-36 Whitetail Deer Prints (Set of Three)236 - TH-36 Whitetail Deer Prints (Set of Three)
Grand Slam Club/Ovis
•This fully donated set contains three framed handpainted prints of whitetail deer by the famed Canadian artist Robert Wiebe. •Two o
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TH-37 “Obsessed” by Soudy Golabchi237 - TH-37 “Obsessed” by Soudy Golabchi
Grand Slam Club/Ovis
•This fully donated book, Obsessed: Hunting Mountain Game in North America, Central Asia, Iran and Elsewhere, was published by Safari Press.
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TH-38 Hog and Predator Combo Hunt, Oklahoma238 - TH-38 Hog and Predator Combo Hunt, Oklahoma
Grand Slam Club/Ovis
•This is a four-day 1 x 1 rifle hunt near Atoka, Oklahoma for hogs, coyote, bobcat and gray fox. •The hunt may take place between Fe
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